Giancarlo Parisi

Giancarlo Parisi is a versatile musician and composer in constant exploration. He maintains strong ties to folk traditions while engaging in projects that span classical music to jazz, theater, and singer-songwriter genres. After earning a diploma in flute in 1980, he expanded his focus to include saxophones and pastoral aerophones like the bagpipe and friscalettu.
In 1986, he joined PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi) in Milan, leading to collaborations with notable artists on the national and international scenes, including Eugenio Finardi, Fabrizio De André, Vittorio Cosma, Mauro Pagani, Stewart Copeland, Faisal Taher, and Carmen Consoli. Parisi developed a chromatic version of the bagpipe, called zampogna a paru, by adding keys to the melodic pipes, allowing him to incorporate the bagpipe’s sound into various musical contexts.

2009 | 3° Edition, Europe, Italy, Sicily