Luigi Di Pino

His most mature artistic expression is the Cantastorie, a figure linked to the Sicilian tradition that brings together all the main forms of artistic communication: painting, poetry, music, and theater. Luigi Di Pino is an intriguing and persuasive artist with experience in the figurative, theatrical, poetic, and musical fields. As a composer and author, he is a member of SIAE (Italian Society of Authors and Publishers) with hundreds of works to his credit. His most mature artistic expression is the Cantastorie, a figure linked to the Sicilian tradition that brings together all the main forms of artistic communication: painting, poetry, music, and theater. He has performed live in important events in Italy and abroad and has participated in television programs on RAI2 and RAI3.

2021 | 12° Edition, 2022 | 13° Edition, Europe, Italy, Sicily