Workshop | “Modern” Tambourine with Michele Piccione

Usually, the frame drum in Italy is always contextualized within the tradition with rhythms and techniques related to it. Modern technique, however, aims for a change in perspective. Through sound research and the application of specific execution techniques, the frame drum is assimilated into a real drum set capable of producing any rhythmic pattern.

Program: We will start with the main strokes that aim to reproduce the sounds of the drum set: snare, hi-hat, bass drum, tom, rolls.

The following will then be covered:

4/4 rhythms with shaking techniques and with the “two-handed technique”: Middle Eastern “Maksum” and samba rhythm
4/4 rhythms such as Rock, Funky, drum&bass, etc…
Complex rhythms with odd times, also known as “limping” rhythms, like 5/8, 7/8, 11/8

For participation in this workshop, a good preliminary knowledge of frame drums is required.

2015 | 6° Edition, 2016 | 7° Edition