I Nobili Tamburi | Tataratà

The Association “I Nobili Tamburi” was founded in February 2016 and is composed of the direct heirs of the renowned Nobile family from Casteltermini, specialists in the execution and construction of artisanal drums for several generations. The family is epitomized by Angelo Nobile, who passed away in 2013. He was the winner of the 1986 “La Zampogna d’oro” award, a national showcase of traditional instruments, and recognized as one of the most representative figures in Sicilian traditional music.

The “Tataratà” Association takes its name from the onomatopoeic term derived from the rhythmic sound of the drum, which is certainly among the oldest folk traditions in the world, with imprecise origins. These syllables mark the time of the drums and the spectacular dances performed by dueling participants armed with real swords.

2018 | 9° Edition, Europe, Italy, Sicily