Julutan Saba


Dario Chillemi is a musician and researcher from Catania, Italy. He earned a degree in Jazz music from the Trapani Conservatory in Sicily in 2009. He has a passion for both composition and free improvisation and plays a wide range of music, from ancient tunes to music from other countries. His music is a unique blend influenced by various styles, including classical, jazz, and ethnic music, all played on his 6-string guitar. Dario Chillemi, an artist in constant evolution, believes that music and art are the purest forms of communication. He has independently produced four albums: “L’inganno di Fra Campana” (2002), “Kamarria” (2003), “Equilibrium” (2008), and “D(i)ario Chillemi – Un ponte sul passato” (2012). In 2016, he released the single “Face the Fear,” which was produced in Berlin, and it serves as a field of research. In July 2020, he released an electro-style single titled “Social Distance is Unsane.” His “Face the Fear” project represents an innovative approach to exploring the connection between music and philosophy, which he calls “Musimatemagica.” Dario enjoys traveling, and after many years of artistic activity in Berlin, he bought a van to start a new project called “Accidental Rituals.” From this experience, Radio Colomba was born, which he calls the “acquirer of immaterial goods.” In recent years, he has recorded many concerts, performances, interviews, or simply the stories of people he has encountered on his journey. In 2020, the Radio Colomba project received funding from S.I.A.E. to create a mobile sound healing station in his van and develop the new concept of “radio” that he envisions. Recently, after nearly 30 years of musical studies, he has been studying Cymatics and Acousmatics and has become increasingly aware of how music can heal and create wonderful transformations and processes of spiritual awareness. In March 2021, he created the “Sound Cover,” a speaker covering to be applied to human bodies.

Jali Diabate is a Kora player (African harp-lute) and a Senegalese griot (storyteller/musician) who arrived in Catania around 11 years ago. Since then, he has been sharing his art with the world through his charismatic personality. In 2007, he founded the Afro Bougna Band, realizing a childhood dream of merging traditional Mandeng culture and reggae music. His music represents the inseparable connection between his African roots, the Sicilian territory, and an openness to innovative musical experiments. Jali Diabate is an enchanting artist whose music is more than just art. It embodies the history of the Mandeng people, characterized by the importance of their musicians, the “griots.” The griots are the sole and unique guardians of African oral tradition, passed down through generations by the voices of storytellers. Jali’s origins are not just musical; they encompass his vital role as a “griot.” His artistic development is strongly influenced by the significant social role associated with the title of “griot.” These musicians are the storytellers of African people, transmitting the stories and values of the African culture through their music. This makes all griots masters of words and guardians of the oral and musical tradition of the Mandeng culture. Jali Diabate has played and collaborated with numerous musicians, including Percussonici, Dario Chillemi, Serena Chillemi, Faisal Taher (lead singer of Kunsertu and later Dounia), Gabin Dabire, and Takku Ligey from the “Teatre di Diol Kadd” in Senegal, and Roy Paci, with whom he recorded the anthem “Terra Madre” for Slow Food. Encounters with music from other cultural traditions have led Jali to expand the sonic and expressive horizons of the kora, creating a personal musical fusion that is already evident in his first solo album, “Recital kora,” released in 2005, which was broadcast on the Senegalese national radio and received critical acclaim. In 2009, he was a guest on the renowned radio program “Stanza della Musica” on Radio Tre with Dario Chillemi. In 2014, he released the CD “Silinka” with Afro Bougna Band and was later invited to the television program of the famous Italian singer Franco Simone in Rome.

2023 | 14° Edition, Africa, Europe, Italy, Senegal, Sicily, West Africa